Ross Anthony, M.Ed. (A Los Angeles Creative)
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About Writer Illustrator Ross Anthony, Writer/Illustrator

... What a year! What else? Let's see. Oh yeah, I volunteered in Africa for a year. I even wrestled a lion. No kidding - raised in captivity, but still a lion! Also very cool, I annually head-up chili4homeless. How about you? In what small resonating ways are you helping out this pretty blue planet and those who call it home? Still reading? See! Your A.D.D. isn't as bad as you thought!

Speaking of reading, as a passionate writer, I'm so fortunate to have thousands of readers. Might you be the next one? Click over to my books page and read their reviews of my (3) novels, (2) non-fiction philosophical travelogues, YA trilogy, and children's book in 8 languages. Or if you're a film buff (like me) take a gander at my movie review site. I've screened and reviewed over 1000 films, and interviewed celebs from Julia Roberts to Harrison Ford. It's always a pleasure to turn people on to great films. What else? I have a master's in education, coach other writers, compose and play music, and produce videos. Do you have a project or presentation that could use a video producer, wordsmith, illustrator, or even website creator? I love to help people communicate their ideas. Check out my services, then write in with your thoughts and questions. Back...

Illustration Text Webdesign Copyright Ross Anthony, Author * Illustrator * Solo World Circumnavigator Privacy policy: I handle the newsletter and alerts myself and I will never sell your email address. Thank Yous: I am so very grateful for all who have supported my writing habit. Thank you to all of my readers. You keep this writer inspired! I greatly appreciate your purchases and especially your thoughtful feedback. Thank you, also, to my illustration clients for entrusting your "brainchildren" to my creative juices. Lastly, I'd like to thank all who have supported my work directly with their time and talent: Terry Palmer, Rick Foss, Ken Kocanda, Mom and Pops, H. Liem, J. Keszek, I. Huang, B. Bruya, A. McKeown, M. Ellenstein, R. Ash, Galati-FE, Borders, Rod's Grill. Links: Write Triangle, Motobookothon 2009, RAnd-author, Terry Palmer, RAnd, Zona Rosa Caffe Pasadena