Ross Anthony's
Hollywood Report Card
Ross Anthony's
Hollywood Report Card |
Film Reviews * Live Event Reviews * Celebrity Interviews |
Copyright Ross Anthony
Thank Yous: I am so very grateful for all who have supported my writing habit.
Thank you to all of my readers. You keep me alive! I greatly appreciate your purchases
and especially your thoughtful feedback. I'd also like to thank all who have supported my work
directly with their time and talent: Terry Palmer, Rick Foss, Ken Kocanda, Mom and Pops, H. Liem,
J. Keszek, I. Huang, B. Bruya, A. McKeown, M. Ellenstein, R. Ash, Galati-FE, Borders, Rod's Grill.
Links: Write Triangle, Motobookothon 2009, RAnd-author, Terry Palmer, RAnd, Zona Rosa Caffe Pasadena