James Cameron is back! This is quality entertainment. After gloating over his less than impressive 3D camera setups for Ghosts of the Abyss, (click here for that interview) I had some serious concerns regarding Cameron's opinion of quality. The fact is, "Ghosts" was the anomaly, I'm happy to report that Cameron can still deliver big, powerful, universal cinema. (T2 remains one my favorite films of all time.)
Avatar focuses rather narrowly on a conflict between an indigenous people inhabiting a planet off in space and corporate opportunists from our humble planet. In a rather personal, dramatic, and spectacularly visual way it exposes a greed far too common here on Earth.
The disciplined, consistently energized pace outshines even the juicy special effects, which seamlessly integrate live action and cgi. Despite the 2.5 hour run time, there is never a dull moment. There's not even a slow moment. This production has fine tuned its focused tale to unwind perfectly. Cameron doesn't waste time with setting, we're trusted to figure out this new world on the go -- this trust pays off.
There are a few imperfections in the magic. A cigarette in an oxygen-limited environment? And from a scientist no less. (I'm doubting that). Technology that enables bio-telepathy, but weapons are still bullets and dynamite? (Quite unlikely.)
That said, if you're looking for a picture with action, splendid visuals, romance, and even relevance -- go see Avatar in IMAX 3D.
Note: I watched this film on the new IMAX screen at Alhambra, CA's Renaissance 14 (quite possibly the most petite IMAX screen I'd ever seen).

-- Books by Author/Illustrator Ross Anthony --