This is a great movie! Sure the kids will have fun, but parents will love it too. Even miscellaneous kid-less adults will like it because it's simply a great movie. It's got action, depth, fun, comedy, profound messages and it's gorgeous to look at. Even if the dialogue had been thin or boring (which it wasn't), I would have still marveled at the lush watercolor-esque scene layouts, stylized characters and endearing animation. There is virtually nothing wrong with this film! In my humble opinion it's way better than Indy 4
or Narnia: Prince Caspian.
I did say "virtually" perfect. Unfortunately, the one place at which I saw room for improvement might require spoilage on my part to explain, and I dare not spoil such a beautiful film – so I'll shut my mouth about it. Anyway, if you haven't noticed already, I'm very excited about this film. It kept me completely engaged and smiling. I left the theatre feeling great and any further thought about KF Panda – warms my heart. You can't ask much more of a film than that. The film translated very nicely to the IMAX screen; while it's probably just as beautiful on standard screens, I'll certainly recommend you see it on the big screen to bring you that much more into the picture. Oh heck, this is my favorite film of the year so far -- A+!

Related Links:
Zen Shorts - A Panda kid's book by one of my fav Illustrators.
Read the first chapters of my books.

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