Despite the fact that the title doesn't really describe the story, this is still a wonderful little film. No doubt the title was chosen because it's a bit edgy and easy to remember, and perhaps may have been a bit of an inside joke play on a past European film Run Lola Run.
It's easy to forgive the film's solidly formulaic backbone, well, because it's so funny and endearing. Simon Pegg is a comedic treasure, I loved his performance in Hot Fuzz and he's just as silly here. And while there are moments that rely solely on his natural on-screen goofiness to make the grade, he and Michael Ian Black have simply written a very funny script that spreads the fun evenly throughout. Filmmakers also…

made a great choice when casting Hank Azaria to balance. I can't imagine the role being played with better subtlety by another actor. In fact all main characters are sold confidently to the audience and the film moves along well beginning to end, so kudos to director David Schwimmer.
I was so engaged with this film that I itched to tweak the ending with a few rewrites to make it more poignant rather than just feel-good. That said, this is a charming little romantic-comedy and we were definitely charmed.
This film screened at a Krikorian Theatre.
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