Amazon Prime
Wonder Woman 3D
Review by Ross Anthony

An island paradise full of powerful women fighters, abounds with athletic horseback spectacle until the war to end all wars pops that bubble. While the visuals are strong throughout, those in this land of Amazons are very near breathtaking.

Once Wonder Woman makes her way into the world of man, a great sense of humor is added to the mix. It's a welcome reprieve, but eventually, the war takes over.

Strong acting, not the greatest script, but the commanding visuals and direction stampede over most of the imperfections in believability and trample the rough script edges. You'll have a good time at the movies. See it on a big screen, and I'd recommend 3D for this one as well.

-- Books by Ross Anthony, Author/Illustrator --

  • Wonder Woman 3D. Copyright © 2017.
  • Starring Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Said Taghmaoui, Ewen Bremner, Eugene Braverock, Elena Anaya. Directed by Patty Jenkins. Warner Bros.

Grade..........................A- (3/4)

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Copyright © 1998-2025 Ross Anthony, Author - Speaker - Solo World Circumnavigator In addition to reviewing films and interviewing celebs at, traveling the world, composing great music, motivational speaking, Mr. Anthony also helps others tell their stories with words and video. While traversing the circumference of the planet writing books, Mr. Anthony has taught, presented for, worked &/or played with locals in over 30 countries & 100 cities (Nairobi to Nagasaki). He's bungee-jumped from a bridge near Victoria Falls, wrestled with lions in Zimbabwe, crashed a Vespa off a high mountain road in Taiwan, and ridden a dirt bike across the States (Washington State to Washington DC). To get signed books, thoughtful experienced help telling your stories through words or video, or to schedule Ross to speak check out: or call 1-800-767-7186. Dig into the world and inspire the people you meet with your love, kindness, and whatever it is you're really good at. Being alive is the miracle. Special thanks to Ken Kocanda, HAL, Jodie Keszek, Don Haderlein, Mom and Pops, my family, R. Foss, and many others by Ross Anthony. Galati-FE also deserves a shout out. And thanks to all of you for your interest and optimism. Enjoy great films, read stirring novels, grow.

Last Modified: Friday, 30-Jun-2017 08:05:17 PDT