Rob Zabrecky is the new host and producer of this popular annual event. He will be joined onstage at Theatre West by some of his magical colleagues from the Magic Castle for three amazing performances. The line-up of magicians will vary at each performance, so one could attend all three dates and see three different programs. Scheduled to appear during the weekend are John Carney, Mike Caveney, Fitzgerald, Tina Lenert, David Lovering, Max Maven and more. Zabrecky himself is known for a unique melding of illusion and comedy. The Los Angeles Times cites him as “an institution on L.A.’s magic scene,” noting his frequent appearances at the Magic Castle. He has appeared at Theatre West in the show “The Twilight Zone – Live On Stage." He is also a published author and accomplished musician. It's an all ages and Zabrecky promises “mysteries, wonders, miracles!”
December 5-7, 2008. Fri. & Sat. at 8, Sun. at 2. Order Tix in advance as previous performances of “Millennium Magic” have sold out.
RA: What attracted you to magic?
RZ: It's sense of wonder and mystery. When done well, there's nothing like it. For me, finding new ways of presenting old and existing magic routines is equally appealing and challenging. It can also be a great thrill to perform. The history of magic is remarkable and endlessly fascinating.
RA: Why do you do it?
RZ: I perform magic because I love to communicate through art and to me, magic is a great but neglected art form. I feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction when I'm doing my job as a performer. It feels good to see a room full of adults who reacting to a performance as children (well behaved children, of course). I love the creative process; the exploration and discovery period where I find myself searching beyond the set of instructions that came folded inside a packaged trick or the often scripted explanations in magic books.
RA: How would you define magic?
RZ: Good question. Anything can be magic. In terms of defining it as art form, I suppose it's the presentation of the mysterious through the art of strong communication. A sense of wonder through a logical or abstract human connection.
RA: Why do people enjoy watching magic?
RZ: Escapism. For many, people enjoy watching magic for the same reason they enjoy reading a book, seeing a film or listening to music. So they can sit in a dark place for a while and forget about the war, the price of gas or whatever it is that keeps them up late at night.
RA: Slight of hand and illusion aside, what types of magic do you see in your daily life?
RZ: As a magical entertainer, I've learned to see magic in things which often have nothing to do with the notion of being an actual magician; all types of odd beauty, finding a rare treasure at a flea market, seeing a swarm of bats whirl over a blood red sunset with your friends while driving on the freeway, things you see in LA only on foot, birth and death.
RA: Why should people check out your act at this year's Millenium Magic event?
RZ: People should check out this year's show for several reasons. First, we have a remarkable line up of award winning magical entertainers that rarely perform publicly and can mostly only be seen at the Magic Castle, which is an exclusive and private club. Also, to support local live theater; the show is a benefit for Theatre West and it is a great opportunity for people of all ages to see and support live theater. All proceeds benefit the Theatre West general fund.The fact that it is all ages gives families a nice chance to see live magic together. Lastly, we are offering some very nice raffle prizes which include a 30 day trial membership to the Castle. Overall it is a great chance to see top notch performances from our magic community in a top notch local theater.
-- To Get Tix for Millennium MAGIC IX at Theatre West click here. --