Share your life lessons with future generations! Share your history, your adventures, your inspiration, and your love with those you love. Make an audio/visual record of your memoir. If you'd like to write a companion book form memoir - I can help you with that as well.
Suggested Topics
How did you meet your spouse?
Do you have a
fun story about each of your children?
What was life (school/work/hobbies) like in your childhood, teens, and twenties?
What events or accomplishments are you most proud of?
Props are great. Bring something for show and tell.
If music is important to you... hum, sing or play a tune.
Share your personal recipe for a happy fullfilling life. (habits, disciplines, books/movies/songs for reference?)
The Session
I'll arrive 45-60 minutes early to set up. Lighting is very important, so I'll likely choose a spot that allows outside light to grace your face while affording a handsome background. Once the cameras start, we'll roll for 30 minutes, and then break for 5, then roll for another 30.
How to Prepare
Feel free to create a Cheat Sheet, or better yet, ask a grandchild, a friend, or relative to interview you and give them a list of questions (or have them prepare a list for you). Clear the room of clutter. Wear a shirt with bright colors. Flowers or plants are always nice to have in the shot. Have a cup of water at the ready, then relax and speak with love to that great grandchild that has yet to be born.
3 Cameras, Lights, Mics, in the comfort of your home.
Recorded in your home on
3 Cameras with lights,
wireless mics, back-up audio recorder. (Includes assemble editing, render, delivery, and an audio-only version for your approval.) Why 3 cameras? 1 stays close up on the main speaker, 1 stays close up on the interviewer, 1 captures the two of them together. I'll edit between them in post. This way the end result is beautiful, and there's no camera movement to distract the conversation. Rich images and clear crisp sound.