This animated picture opens with grace and beauty. Coraline's little world is ripe with colors and magic and mystery. Further, the 3d squarely brings you into this quirky wonder. I have a very vivid imagination, yet, I can't imagine seeing this film without the 3D.
For nearly an hour the juicy "St. Pepper" visuals along with Coraline's curiosity and her curious friends kept a smile glued to my face. I felt as though I'd walked right into this century's Oz. However, the wizardry peaked just a little early with the three wonders wondrously trumpeting their circus grandeur, unfortunately too much film remained. The last thirty minutes hold nothing so breathtaking. Further, by this time this eye-popping presentation's burst of originality has wound down a notch. Hence, the film that began with a wahoo, ends nearer a whisper.
Also, story realization-wise, I love that Coraline must find the missing eyes, and I like the device that assists her. But, why not use an actual set of eyes? Wouldn't that be far more eerie than a simple ball? I found the reuniting of eyes with deserving souls equally underwhelming. This is so important to the story, but the execution here feels like a simple video game score and is absent of any stirring emotional quality. I would have challenged those responsible to create a powerful visual that topped anything seen in the production thus far.
Overall, qualities of a masterpiece, but not enough staying power. Still, what is done well, is done very well. A very strong B+.
PS: It's a bit spooky. Might not want to bring kids under 5, or if they're sensitive to spooky stuff.
-- Books by Author/Illustrator Ross Anthony --