The action is hard hitting, cool, well-captured
and directed, the dialogue is below average to
poor (even inappropriately hokie at times), and a
decent plot slowly disintegrates as it unravels.
Jet is cool. Cooler than this movie, fighting the
first half of the film with one hand in his pocket.
Batting the bad guys as if they were flies. Later,
Bartkowiak puts him in a cage with a dozen or so
nasty fighters intercutting this scene with a
quad/dirt bike urban chase scene. The two sequences
serve well to build up the tension and adrenaline.
It's a very fun segment of the film. And there are
definitely other moments of respectable action.
But the attempts to make DMX's character some sort
of honorable decent criminal in a hokie band of
thieves that put their fists together and chant
"Faith" before the big game (err -- heist) feels far
too comicbookie for this film.
Tom Arnold is hilarious, and Anthony Anderson
garnishes himself some pretty good laughs as well.
But that ending climax relieves itself of any logical
sense there might have been left to salvage. A strong
B, Weak B+. Flash in the pan.