I'm not sure I quite understand it, but aside from
a very awkward send off, "Donnie Darko" reels the
viewer in like a bad dream, like a black hole, like a
tempting impossibility, like a quicksand
With a release date so near that of a tragic East
Coast plane crash, you'll nearly gasp at the eerie
coincidence. As with that plane, earlier on in the
film a jet engine drops from the sky into a
residential area.
If you like odd films, time travel, psychological
thrillers and bad bunny suits, you'll be enthralled.
Though dark, this is not a horror flick.
After you see the film, check out the website for
the sequel (sort of): http://www.donniedarko.com.
Btw, Drew, Noah, and Patrick appear only in rather
minor roles; Jake Gyllenhaal ("Bubble Boy,"
Sky") carries this Donnie - he's very good as
the troubled teen.