A film starring John Schneider proposing to be a new take on the old classic It's a wonderful life, certainly made me curious. I screened it, in part, because aside from revering the Capra classic, I enjoyed me an episode or two of Dukes of Hazard and I'm not too proud to admit it!
Schneider is a rather average actor, but he has strong charisma and screen presence (think John Denver). Add the likeability of his Doonby character and he carries the movie through some rickety patches. And as a love story develops, he still keeps viewers hooked despite a lack of chemistry and (some might argue) logic.
Though it doesn't all add up while watching, the film eventually comes full circle in the end filling in some of its holes. And despite the holes that remain unfilled and other faults, the story is respectable, admirable, and brave. The last shot was a great way to end the film.
A bit uneven in the drama (from awkward/hokie scenes, to some surprisingly powerful moments).
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