An old buddy from high school texted me, "See Guardians." So, I rented the first one and enjoyed it well enough. I only laughed hysterically once or twice, but I remained amused the whole time and I loved the soundtrack – basically the songs of my teenage years.
The sequel continued that soundtrack. I don't know how younger (or older) generations will experience the interaction of these sci-fi superhero adventures with music from the late 1070's/early 80's (write in and tell me), but I found it a welcomingly surreal and surprisingly warm. The sequel also upped the humor quotient and sported a rather strong twisting story with an impressive wealth of finessed and changing relationships. It's a beautiful thing, not often done well. In fact, films with a plethora of main characters often struggle to coordinate them artfully at all, and here, filmmakers nuance shifting relationships with confidence and style. Nicely done.
I also enjoyed the use of video game sound FX of the past giving voice to war machines of the future. These touches are not only funny, but also cajole a tickling nostalgia for those of us of a certain age. Funny, well-pace, good music, action, and surprisingly warm and fuzzy. Don't be surprised if you get choked up … just a little.
-- Books by Author/Illustrator Ross Anthony --