Are you up for a wintry musical? Well then direct your happy feet to this film. Not quite as powerful as the first, but still deserving of the A range.
Most memorable is the diversity and energy in the music: from rap to R&B to rock and even opera. Sorry, but I don't recall a country tune.
The film sports a likeable-enough storyline, surprisingly hazy on message (like real life), and a pretty nice pace. There's a secondary "Krill" story line that works better as a visual complement, than a dramatic build. But it's kind of fun to hear Brad Pitt and Matt Damon ramble on about the meaning of life via punny krill jokes. The 3D is solid, but unremarkable. I think you'll be fine seeing it in 2D. The humans (referred to as "aliens" by the penguins) are live action, giving their presence in the film a welcome surreal, yet eerie edge.
The film introduces a new fun character named Sven. He's very entertaining (as is most of the film). I simply loved little Erik's "big moment." It was a bit of a risk on the filmmakers part and certainly refreshingly unexpected. It tickled me pink. No pun intended.
-- Books by Ross Anthony, Author/Illustrator --