Brittany Murphy and some sort of "relentless
effort" from the rest involved keep "Just Married,"
just barely out of my "C" range.
Unashamedly resorting to the knock in the head
more times than I think I've ever seen in a picture, this
film still manages to hit a truly funny moment one in
every ten or so tries. And it certainly does try!
Even if that means employing a silly yellow car and a
freaked out cockroach to garnish the biggest
Brittany's mature acting skills are the spit and
rubber bands that hold the film together and make it
watchable. Ashton, while assuredly dashing, charming
and likable could use a jolt of presence and depth.
It doesn't help that his character has been written
to be simultaneously infinitely carefree, often
hardheaded, unreasonably addicted to sports and prone
to many knocks in the head; perhaps a younger Matthew
Perry might have been able to pull it off with
greater magnitude.
Unmatured direction and screenwriting, patchy
editing, this formula film may yet still appeal to
the under eighteen crowd.