Original Sin
Review by Ross Anthony

Speaking of love, the love scenes are more passionate than sexy and that's not a bad thing. Yes, Banderas and Jolie are more naked and intertwined than you might expect. Considering the standard in Hollywood movies, it's refreshing to have two characters appear more to be making love than having sex. Though the love scene is not a theme nor a motif it does prove an important set up to the twisty love story that follows.

While some scenes are splendidly produced, Banderas and Jolie lighting the screen with danger and amore; others fall flat, made up with cheap special effects, and jump cuts in hopes of recreating flare. But the dimestore cosmetics can't help them. And the jump cuts feel like an admission of inadequate cover shots.

Though Thomas Jane plays the role of the private eye adequately, you'll be wishing for Val Kilmer.

Still, "Original Sin" held my interest to the end.

  • Original Sin. Copyright © 2001. Rated R.
  • Starring Antonio Banderas, Angelina Jolie, Thomas Jane, Jack Thompson, Gregory Itzin.
  • Directed by Michael Cristofer.
  • Written by Michael Cristofer. Based on the novel by: Cornell Woolrich.
  • Produced by Denise Di Novi, Kate Guinzburg, Carol Lees at MGMHyde Park/Via Rosa/Intermedia/UGC.


Copyright © 2001. Ross Anthony, currently based in Los Angeles, has scripted and shot documentaries, music videos, and shorts in 35 countries across North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. For more reviews visit: RossAnthony.com

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Last Modified: Saturday, 16-Sep-2006 08:01:38 PDT