Indiana Jones Retired
Second Hand Lions
Review by Ross Anthony

Second Hand Lions Warm and a little syrupy like the old school films. Lots of green grass, cool summer nights out by the pond, accented with big production flashbacks to African horseback sword fights sporting a dashing Christian Kane as the younger Uncle Hub (Robert Duvall) spitting in the face of danger like Indiana Jones. Add to that rich mix a wholesome punchingly positive theme -- what else could you ask for?

Haley Joel Osment plays a young boy dumped by his selfish fake-smiling mom onto the front farm porch of her two oddball uncles. Duvall and Caine, rumored mob thugs with a large cash stash, prefer long quiet summer days to relatives. They use their shotguns to fish and scare away would-be salesmen. Though initially grudgingly the three agree to suffer through a supposed short stay together, they eventually win each other over with glorious stories, spirit and love.

Performance wise, Haley is fair, Caine rather miscast, and Duvall stellar as always. The production quality sputters only a few times like an old single propeller biplane -- but the story is enchanting and fun.

"Secondhand Lions" can be compared to "Seabiscuit." While "Seabiscuit" (the film) breaks the gates with tremendous thrust, it wanes at the 3/4 mark and finishes less thunderously. "Second Hand Lions" maintains a calm collected consistent pace and finishes strong. If they were to race, they'd probably tie.


Rodney GET the DVD FREE! When you buy any 3 Ross Anthony books.
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  • Second Hand Lions. Copyright © 2003. Rated PG. 111 minutes
  • Starring Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, Haley Joel Osment, Kyra Sedgwick.
  • Directed by Tim McCanlies.
  • Screenplay by Tim McCanlies.
  • Produced by David Kirschner, Scott Ross, Corey Sienega at NewLine/DigitalDomain.

Grade..........................A- (3/4)

Copyright © 2001. Ross Anthony, currently based in Los Angeles, has scripted and shot documentaries, music videos, and shorts in 35 countries across North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. For more reviews visit:

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Last Modified: Saturday, 16-Sep-2006 07:53:28 PDT