A drum roll over the Fox logo draws howls and
claps from this eager crowd. This is no ordinary
screening - professionals and guests alike -- we'll
all go home bragging to our family and friends that we've seen the new
"Star Wars" movie nine days in advance of its
release. Timpani snaps at the "Star Wars" logo of the
last century, "A long time ago in a galaxy far far
away..." and the ride begins.
Undoubtedly, lustrous polished visuals are the
single most alluring element of the production. Rich
in color and creativity and, of course, special
effect; every shot is resplendid. From the arsenal of
imaginative battle gear to the shimmering space
vehicles to the gleaming interiors, immense care has
been taken to make this picture look great. 100%
digitally shot or created in the computer and (at our
particular screening) digitally projected. Simply
beautiful, despite the lack of film.
Anakin Skywalker (in character and player) clearly
clinches a close second to visuals. Anakin (Hayden
Christensen) has grown and takes the screen with
confidence, strength, and yes, passion -- thank God.
Cocky and restless like the Han Solo and Luke
(respectively) of the original (Episode IV). Not just
because he is young, but because he is good. This is
his film. In fact, running alongside Padme (Queen/now
Senator), you'll no doubt recall images of Luke and
Leia scurrying hand in hand. This Anakin is clearly
more interesting in script and stronger in realization
than anyone else in the film (and in the last one for
that matter). I like Ewan, but his contributions are
dramatically less dramatic than Christensen's and
Portman's. Jackson and Oz add little (though Yoda
does seem to please the crowds). C3PO and R2 return
as well as Jar Jar, but all are thankfully not
allowed to abuse their screen time.
After all, it's a love story, a subtle coming of
age story, and a rather murky tale of war in the
stars. The strategies of that last bit, like star
ships, may glide right over the heads of younger and
even older audience members. Separatists, Federation,
clones ... there's no one guy in a huge dark metallic
suit and scary voice to point a finger at (or
lightsaber). Just who is to be trusted and who not,
isn't always terribly clear. No matter, the bad guys
are usually the one's that Anakin and Kenobi and
Padme are chasing or shooting at. Nor are the plot progressions and
strategies of the players without holes. But again,
we accept them with the faith of 12-year-olds and
forget our doubt in exchange for the thrilling
action, gorgious imagery, and epic yarn that we can
find in few other places.
Other highlights include: a car chase in three
dimensions, a smashing asteroid belt scene that
simply rocks, the fifties diner and Dex the mustached
lizard's performance, a powerful score that takes
care not to overuse its famous theme, and resounding
audio/visual effects.
Lowlights include: less than logical/contrived
choices made by our heroes, a very brief lull, corny
Skywalker family scenes, a few dumb throw away
one-liners "Obi's gonna kill me," C3PO's interesting
predicament wants of fuller development, some
isolated sticky acting.
And while the ending is no exploding Death Star,
it's still strong, conclusive and prompts applause
from this crowd of fans and film reviewers.
Wars: The Phantom Menace] [Digital? What's that all
