Here is an animated blend of old style hand-painted figures (reminiscent of the old "Speed Racer" series)embellished with computer animation for certain backgrounds or devices.
The story places some of humanity's heaviest dilemmas on the shoulders of a small boy. How can humankind find security from its enemies without building weapons? Can science/technology be kept pure of inventions that kill?
What makes "Steamboy" so strong is the lack of an easily definable enemy. Ray is the son of an inventor, grandson of an inventor. His father and grandfather feud to the death over the purpose of their invention, Ray is left in the middle to decide who is to be trusted with the most powerful technology of their time (late 1800's).
Having spent my morning talking with a US soldier on leave from Iraq, I felt much like Ray. Who's grand ideas about peace and war do I trust? Though opposing, they each make some sense, yet each seem so devastatingly risky. I'm not sure "Steamboy" offers any answers, but I appreciate its pure attempt to reopen the discussion.
Additionally, it's a fine movie. I'd never expected animation of this type to engage in such serious build. The tension, the excitement levels are very disciplined. The steam valve is turned gradient by gradient, until the film pops right on time with its climax. A slow even pressure cooker -- very nicely done.
With an elaborate collection of steam-powered, gear-driven vehicles and machines, the film seems a young viewer's dream. However, parents of younger children be cautioned, there is also quite a lot of violence.
(This review based on the English-dubbed version.)