That's a bold, but dangerous title for a $25 show. As "luck" would have it, Tom doesn't fail. However, since he praises the advantages of failure, one could accuse him of failing to practice what he preaches. It's a beautiful irony, Tom talks down the appeal of "striving for success" all the while striving to succeed at delivering a good show. It's a joke, of course. But like most good jokes, there's a slice of dark truth. You know, thorny wisdom that we try to ignore and certainly never express. Tom delights in cutting directly to the painful chase.
You might be concerned such a premise is really a promise to depress or demoralize. However, if you're already depressed, you've got nothing to worry about. If you're the upbeat type who keeps those positive thoughts dancing in your mind, I think you'll have a good time, despite. Whisper: This is not a real seminar. Tom aims not for disillusionment, but amuse-you-ment. Which reminds me, while most of his impersonations are a lot of fun, his "Joe Pesci" needs work (or perhaps that particular bit has been done to death).
The show opens with "Forest Gumpy" Photoshopped slides of Tom hobnobbing with popes and presidents or in various seas of his adorning fans. Our audience ate it up. Visual aids accompany Tom throughout the conference, uhm … show. While we were all encouraged to wear name tags (Hello: I'm Ross) and participate, Tom was quite tame when interacting with us directly. In fact, I think the show would be improved if he took the risk to bring a few folks on stage (not me, of course), and provide some spoof action to compliment his spoof monologue. At 70 minutes, the show could use some augmentation to its duration. While never dull, some of the satire lacks spark. That said, there are moments (and many of them) when Tom's whit and delivery pack such a punch that the audience broke up into full-on belly laughter. At the end of the day, that's what I think the brochure was getting at when it said, "surprisingly uplifting."
-- Books by Ross Anthony, Author/Illustrator --