"This story is about Me! ... I was a really nice
guy and they ruined me for no reason," David Spade
begins his reign over this Disney film from the
get-go and never lets go.
Changed into a llama by Yzma, his wicked
Grinchy-looking advisor, the emperor is forced to
come to terms with his total lack of heart. In stark
contrast, John Goodman, as the big-hearted Pacha,
makes an unlikely partner in the emperor's attempt to
reclaim the thrown.
Hey, this is a really funny movie! (And I'm a few
years older than five) Spade's wry, dry, whiny,
biting edge vibrates against the expected smooth
gloss of Disney paint ... it'll set your funny bone

Kudos to the director, editor, and
screenwriter as well, though Spade is definitely the
star of this show (as Carrey in the Grinch); this film
still packs plenty of well-timed physical humor and a
healthy supply of delightful one-liners from other
Kronk, Yzma's kid-spirited sensitive-male thug,
delivers a host of juicy gags. Yzma orders, "Kronk,
break down that door!"
Kronk narrow's his eyes, "What? Are you kidding?
That's hand-carved mahogany."
A nervous villager stands before Yzma.
Yzma barks, "It's no concern of mine that your family
doesn't have ... what was it again ... food?"
The villager mutters something inaudible.
Yzma finishes, "Yes, well you really should have
thought about that before you became a peasant."
Toward making Emperor Kuzco even more vain
(and since the story is told by him), other
character's dialogue sort of blurs into blah blah as
they fall victim to his short attention span and
gross lack of empathy. A very nice touch. And then as
a Llama, Kuzco stumbles clumsily around on his new
hoofs -- strong creative insight to thicken this
already rich character.
The film's only flaws are consolidated into one
unfunny jungle restaurant scene that plays like a bad
1960's sit-com. It's an ugly blemish that is soon
enough over and done with.
In sum, the emperor's jaded, Spaded, jagged-edge
of vanity cuts a sharp b-line to the jugular. Though
small tikes may miss some of these satiric nuances,
the film still stocks a powerful momentum. At about
an hour fifteen, it's smaller in length while
decidedly passing on the usual Disney animation
grandeur (not a one character ever breaks into song);
still this is a pretty darned fun and funnier