I really love this series. These filmmakers know how to let a story unwind. I greatly appreciate the way they allow so much time for their main characters to frolic and glisten in wonder. These animators not only create a visually spectacular cast of dragons and Vikings, but they teach them to fly in ways that are not only believable, but that audiences can feel. See the 3D version – feel like you're flying. Feel like you're falling in love again. "It's just a cartoon" some may say, but this cartoon took my breath away, and then it had me in tears.
My only fault with this film is the noisy opening. It takes 10-20 minutes before we feel invited into the film – but once in, audiences will be taken for a beautiful ride in the clouds. Also, I love the elegant way this film wraps the trilogy. Possibly a strong A-, but given the Avatar-like splendor of the Hidden World, I'm going with a full A.
-- Books by Ross Anthony, Author/Illustrator --